Conversations for the Mathematics Community

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Upcoming SUBgroups registration window

  • 1.  Upcoming SUBgroups registration window

    Posted 09-23-2024 03:51 PM

    ​​SUBgroups is an opportunity each fall for first-year math grad students to connect with their peers at other universities. Small groups meet online to support each other as they adjust to graduate student life.

    Lots more details and the registration form for the program can be found here:

    Registration for this fall's program Octorber cohort is now open. If you will be starting grad school next fall and would like a reminder when registration opens then, just add your email here:

    Our first fall cohort of over 90 students had their first SUBgroups meetings last week. They are beginning graduate programs at institutions across the US, Canada, and further abroad.

    Participants have already reported very positive experiences:

    "It was illuminating to see how other schools run their graduate programs. Everyone had different backgrounds and perspectives, so there is a lot to learn from each other."

    "I appreciate that the group has other women from liberal arts schools who relate to the struggles of entering a male dominated department at a larger university"

    "During our meeting, we got to share about our individual stressors prior to starting grad school, and one thing that we were looking forward to before our next meeting! I thought that this was a great way to end our conversation on a positive note before signing off."

    "One of the members of the meeting shared an extremely fun geometry puzzle. We ended up spending 20 minutes going over it. A real blast!"

    Here are just a few quotes from past participants about their experiences:

    "I felt like I was able to learn a lot about other people's experiences and that helped make me feel that I was not alone."

    "I liked getting the opportunity to discuss starting graduate school with a group of women. Some of them also are the only women in their cohorts, so I am glad for them that they have this as a resource."

    "Do it! I knew that the first semester of grad school would be rough, and indeed it was, but having an awesome group of people who were willing to talk about their experiences and listen to each other was such a great source of support, validation, and joy, and I'm so thankful to SUBgroups for that."


    If you have any questions about SUBgroups, just visit the Contact page and reach out.

    To those of you preparing to apply to math graduate programs, best of luck with the process!

    Chi Nguyen
    Virginia Polytechnical Institute / State University