We are pleased to announce the first Propagating Research ethIcs around Sexual Marginalization and Transgender Issues Conference (PRISMATIC), focused on undergrad STEM education research, with virtual workshops every Friday in March, 2023, 2-4pm eastern and a hybrid workshop May 31-June 2 (online/in Nebraska). Further dissemination workshops will occur in fall 2023.
Prior to these workshops, PRISMATIC is surveying researchers in STEM, Education, LGBTQIA+ Areas, and Human Subjects Research to gather information about considerations for ethical and responsible research with LGBTQIA+ populations in undergraduate STEM. We are inviting you to complete this survey and register for the virtual workshops. (Please note that we welcome and value your input, even if you are unable to attend any/all of the subsequent virtual workshops; and, signing up does not obligate you to participate in all workshops.) Please complete your registration and survey by Friday, February 24, 2023.
The overall goal of PRISMATIC (DUE-2220269) is to provide guidance for ethical and responsible research with LGBTQIA+ individuals in STEM higher education contexts. To do this, we will bring together subject-matter experts to discuss salient ethical considerations, create resources for STEM education researchers, and draft a national agenda for ethical and responsible research involving undergraduates who hold minoritized gender and sexual identities in STEM higher education contexts. Products will include a checklist-style resource of considerations for ethical and responsible research with LGBTQIA+ participants in STEM higher education contexts; an initial set of materials to use in ongoing professional development for ethical and responsible research with LGBTQIA+ participants in STEM higher education contexts; and development of a national research agenda related to ethical and responsible research with LGBTQIA+ participants in STEM higher education contexts.
The responsibility for ethical research is shared among all of us, and we welcome participation from researchers inside and outside the LGBTQIA+ community. We look forward to your participation.
Wendy Smith, Matthew Voigt, Eliza Gallagher, and Ryan Miller (PRISMATIC PI team)
Wendy Smith
Associate Director
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Lincoln NE