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Daniel Solow Author's Award

  • 1.  Daniel Solow Author's Award

    Posted 09-14-2024 11:41 AM

    Nominations are soon to close for the Daniel Solow Author's Award.

    This annual award has been established by the MAA to recognize authors of exceptional undergraduate mathematics teaching materials (textbooks, lecture notes, computer software, web-based learning materials, video lectures, and others, as approved by the Council on Prizes) which have been developed within the last fifteen years and published in the English language. The primary criterion for selection is "the material's impact on undergraduate education in mathematics and/or the mathematical sciences (operations research, statistics, computer science, applied mathematics)."

    More information, including guidelines for eligibility and instructions for submitting nominations, may be found at Nominations should be submitted to the MAA Secretary (at by October 1, 2024.

    Henok Mawi
    Howard University
    Washington DC