Introductory mathematics primarily serves students in partner disciplines as a prerequisite for their major’s content courses. This Learning Community will walk teams of interdisciplinary faculty through the establishment of a robust, local partnership to develop, deliver, and maintain course content that is relevant for the students in partnering departments. The ideal workshop participants would be 1-3 math faculty who teach and/or coordinate a lower-level mathematics course that serves as a prerequisite or corequisite for one or more partner disciplines (Business, Sciences, Engineering, Health, etc.) along with one or more partner discipline faculty.
Mathematics faculty will meet online as a group in August to discuss initial considerations for setting goals, establishing target coursework, establishing discipline partners, and other preliminary considerations. Partner discipline faculty will be expected to attend the online meeting in September and participate in the work throughout the semester. A subset of the team will be expected to attend the monthly meetings throughout the fall semester. The workshop instructors will be available throughout the spring for consultation. A final conference/share out of work will take place in May.
This workshop is a series of five (5) meetings that will take place on the following dates: August 12, September 19, October 24, November 21, December 12.